Hearing aids have come a long way since the days when our grandparents used to have them. No longer are they big and bulky pieces of equipment that only offer a little bit of help.
With the rise of technology, hearing aids have advanced just as quickly. It is widespread for people not to want a hearing aid based on the stigma that comes with it. Thankfully, these latest hearing aids address those issues, so no one needs to feel out of place or embarrassed by their condition.
Here, I have a list of the many different types of hearing aids that are available to you right now. They all offer top-quality service and can be as discreet as you like them to be.
Have a look below and see which one would work best for you or a loved one.
Behind The Ear
This is the style of hearing aid that most people think about when talking about hearing aids. They are pretty large, and the majority of circuitry is located outside and just behind the ear.
They are made to transmit sound through a plastic tube that leads directly into your ear canal.
Although this is the largest type of hearing aid, its size is for a good reason. By fitting your hearing aid behind your ear, there is more room for advanced technology.
This will be the best fit for people who have a severe hearing loss, as it provides many settings and custom features to address specific hearing problems.
Receiver In The Ear
This is a hybrid version of the behind-the-ear style of hearing aid. Half of this hearing aid is fitted just inside your ear. The receiving component sits within your ear canal and is connected via a small plastic tube to the circuitry.
This is a more discreet option than the behind-the-ear version. It also offers a more natural hearing experience, as the speaker is located inside your ear canal.
This hearing aid will solve many hearing issues, but it is not as strong as the behind-the-ear style.
In The Ear Canal
As the name suggests, this is made for patients looking for even more discretion with their hearing devices. Being smaller, it is more suitable for patients with a mild hearing loss, as it lacks some of the BTE and RITE features.
This style is custom molded to fit your ear perfectly. The fit is essential, as this type of hearing aid fits deeper inside your ear canal. Having the right fit will be the difference between a good and a great experience.
This style may require a little getting used to, as it requires a steady hand to insert and remove due to its size.
Entirely Within The Ear Canal
This style of hearing aid is where you will see how advanced the technology has come over the years. It fits entirely within your ear and is only accessible via a small handle used for insertion and removal.
Due to its size, adjustments need to be made remotely, as it is so tiny there is no room for buttons or dials. In some cases, the patient can make these adjustments themselves via an app on their phone. Because of this, it helps to have a bit of tech-savvy to make adjustments on the fly if need be.
Completely Invisible
The invisible hearing aid will be a perfect choice for those seeking complete discretion and the latest technology.
As one of the first of its kind, this design fits entirely within your ear canal just past the first bend. Because of this, it is also controlled via an external source, and adjustments cannot be made via the hearing aid itself.
This style can only be removed or inserted via a small handle that protrudes just outside of your ear so you can grab it with your fingers. A deft touch is required at first, but I’ve found that patients get used to this style and become very comfortable with it after some time.
How Do I Know Which Is Best For Me?
I get this question very often from many patients. There is not a direct answer for this, as everyone’s hearing issues are different.
The best way to find out which will work best for you is to come in for a comprehensive hearing assessment. At this assessment, we will do a complete diagnosis of your hearing history and your current hearing status.
I have helped hundreds of people in the Atlanta area get the appropriate hearing aid, settings, and fit to address their specific needs.
If you or a loved one is experiencing a hearing loss, then please contact me at your earliest convenience so that I can start helping you right away.